Building from the source

You will need the latest version of the Go programming language.

Here we are using go1.19.2, there is likely a newer version of go, use that instead.

Installing Go on Linux

sudo tar xvaf go1.19.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
sudo ln /usr/local/go/bin/go* /usr/local/bin/

Installing Go on Apple macOS

sudo tar xvaf go1.19.2.darwin-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
sudo ln /usr/local/go/bin/go* /usr/local/bin/

Checking Go version

which go
go version

Downloading The Source

git clone
cd aquachain


In the base directory of the repository, you can run a variety of 'make' targets.

When finished compiling, they are in the ./bin directory.

build the Aquachain command (p2p node, rpc server)


it should pop out as ./bin/aquachain or ./bin/aquachain.exe if on windows.

Customized Build

or build any of the available targets

all           crossold      goget         race
bin/          default       hash          release
bootnode      devtools      help          release/
checkrelease  docs          install       test
clean         echoflags     linter
cross         generate      package

Cross Compilation

This is how releases can be made, using pure Go toolchain and no C dependencies.

make clean release release=1


If you are contributing, you will want to 'fork' the main repo on github, and add your fork like so, changing your-name and patch-1 to whatever you need:

git remote add fork
git checkout -b patch-1

When done making commits, use git push fork patch-1 and either open a pull request or ask to merge.

During development on your branch there may be many commits on the master branch. You can re-synchronize by using git pull -r origin master or git rebase -i to avoid needing Merge commits.