Getting AQUA

Aquachain is powered by fuel, called Aqua. It is created by inserting a new block onto the blockchain in a process known as "mining". The reward for mining a block is 1 Aqua.

The difficulty is adjusted every block in order to average a four minute interval between blocks. Nothing prevents anybody in the world with enough CPU power from mining a valid block and receiving the reward (1.0 AQUA + all tx fees).

Eventually, Block Reward switches to "transaction fees only" after 42 million coins. Since around 360 coins are mined per day, this is expected to happen in around 300 years. The current supply can easily be viewed by visiting or, from an archive node, admin_supply method ( from console,

Besides mining, you could accept AQUA as payment for goods or services, or buy from someone who has some.

Exchanges include: